Written by Kerin O'Keefe

Moscato d’Asti: Rappers’ delight

Moscato’s rapid accession to the drink of choice for the hip hop crowd has propelled this delicate light sparkler into the spotlight. Despite the appearance of numerous me-too imitations, Kerin O’Keefe finds the original is still the best as she heads to the hills of Asti. Read the article: Moscato d’Asti: Rappers’ delight

Moscato’s rapid accession to the drink of choice for the hip hop crowd has propelled this delicate light sparkler into the spotlight. Despite the appearance of numerous me-too imitations, Kerin O’Keefe finds the original is still the best as she heads to the hills of Asti.

Read the article: Moscato d’Asti: Rappers’ delight

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